
Showing posts from October, 2019

Dadaji – One of the best dealers of quality saffron extracts in India!

Saffron is small perennial spice which is also the member of lily family. Saffron extracts has wondrous health benefits to say the least. Handpicking and packaging this spice has often been painstaking. A certain amount of heat is required before packaging to deepen the flavors. But, the process remains highly labor-intensive.  This spice is commercially cultivated in Kashmir, Morocco, Iran, Spain and Italy. The volume of its cultivation has grown extensively owing to innumerable health benefits. The process of its cultivation is labor-intensive, thus making the crop expensive.  Nevertheless, your hunt for the best quality saffron might just be over. We, at Sancheti Exports deal in the  best quality saffron .  Our packaging is humid-proof and quality is world class! Thus, we have earned a good name over the years.  Saffron can protect you against cancer The medicinal properties of saffron make the spice more valuable. Research suggests saffron can even cure cancer apart fro

Dadaji mocktails can be the flavor of your party!

Your house parties won’t ever be complete without refreshing mocktail drinks. The easy to make mocktail drinks are surely loved by the crowds that assemble at your place. Mocktails can be created from everyday ingredients put together. They definitely require minimal energy and time.  Your summer parties would require you to stock some refreshing mocktails in the fridge. Their tangy and chilled taste brings in zeal and zest to the party.  Dadaji Blue Lagoon , for instance, can be the most perfect drink to serve to the important guests. We make sure that we do not compromise on quality. Our drinks at Sancheti Exports would surely pass every quality test. You can easily order online without too many hassles. You can even call us. We would love to hear from you! The refreshing taste everyone would enjoy! Hosting a party is not easy. You need to shoulder certain responsibilities. As hosts, we love to see a wide smile on the faces of guests. We can often upgrade spring mocktails f

Serve the Need of Information Age by Enrolling in Data Visualization Course

Data visualization courses form the foundation of  business analysis .  They represent   data in pictorial or graphical form and helps interpret and process information. Data visualization courses  across the world allow audience in recognizing patterns more appropriately. They delve deep through the various layers of precision.  Mentioned below are several benefits of data visualization courses that affect decision-making powers of big corporate houses. Faster Action The  Fundamental Business Analysis  tools are helping big corporations to generate reports within minutes. Human brains tend to visualize and process information faster as compared to written manuals.  Scrum courses   are used in the formulation of pie charts and bar graphs. They help summarize complex information faster and de-clutter spreadsheets or reports. This ensures a transparent mode of communication for global business leaders. Data visualization courses help evaluate complex structures and process th

Utilize Company Resources Efficiently By Enrolling In Business Analysis!

As a company owner, you shoulder innumerable responsibilities. Gaining prominence in the market is a key responsibility. Some processes remain inherent in an organization. But setting long-term goals is tedious and cumbersome.  According to a recent survey,  scrum courses  help generate better outputs. They make the most of a company’s resource.  To help a business achieve prominence, a  fundamental course  helps to remain defined, be more specific and helps achieve the targeted goal.  Why one should consider a Business Analysis Course? If you are serious enough about the Returns of Investment, you must lay stress on Business Analysis Courses. Business analytics helps in the thorough understanding of pictorial representations and complex set of information are deciphered with ease.  Fundamental Courses  help in the reading of logos and complex structures are processed with simplicity. Business analytics tools help in precise and faster decision making.  The results of suc

Is Risk Management a good course to enrol in?

Back in our childhood days, our English teacher had taught us a lesson of “no risk, no reward”. Quite obviously, the teachings of childhood had clearly gone out of our mind. But last week, as I was traveling on a train, my eyes caught something in a newspaper that was being read by the person sitting beside me. He was kind enough to give me the desired news page which grabbed my attention, and it read: ‘Enrolling to the course of Risk Management in SDL is quite risky and rewarding as well’. Nostalgia struck me hard as my memories went back to the classroom of our English teacher, and my eyes began devouring the article regarding risk management. Iron can turn to steel, but it has to go through fire for that. Same is applicable for risks as well In any every organization, no matter what sector it belongs to, risk and uncertainty are the inevitable factors which cannot be avoided. Also, it is true that the most profitable ventures have been accomplished by taking very risky decisio

what is the best banquet hall in kolkata for wedding ? | ASMI banquet

There are many wonderful wedding venues in Kolkata choose from. Everybody wants their wedding to be a special occasion that they will remember for a lifetime. It goes without saying that you want to find the best banquet hall in kolkata for your wedding and pre- wedding functions. In order to find the best venue for you, you need to decide what is most important to you Is the decoration the main criteria for you, is price an important factor, and so on. Once you have narrowed down what factors are your top priority or must-haves, you can start looking for venues. Essentially, there are a few universal factors that make a banquet hall "the best" Firstly, they are not exploitative and they are reasonably priced, or rather the payback for your money is large Second, they have a great packaged deal that involves in-house decorators and caterers. Third, the venue has beautiful architecture and the staff is welcoming and friendly. Finally, the venue and its staff should care a

How do I choose a Banquet Hall for Wedding? | Asmi Banquet

Planning for a grand wedding? The one that stays in the gossip for years? Well, it’s not as easy as it looks like but once you get the perfect wedding venue, more than half of the work is already done. Although there are a lot of options for  Banquet halls in Sodepur, Kolkata , if you are looking out for a pocket-friendly banquet with amazing ambiance and hospitality services then  Asmi Banquet Sodepur  is the one for you. Since the decision to tie the knots is the biggest and special one for everyone out there, therefore choosing the best wedding venue becomes extremely important to make the wedding day the most memorable and lavish day of your life. Starting right from the parking facilities to the lavish decor themes, finger-licking food, and courteous hospitality services, you will only have to worry about making the best memories of your life and enjoying the ceremonies and leave the rest on their staff Not only will you get prime locations within the pocket-friendly b


We all have a bucket list often in which travel and tour happen to be at the top, is not it? Traveling to exotic locations and indulging in various adventures fills our heart with excitement. Furthermore, especially if we have a companion to join us in as we happen to revel in such experiences, it becomes a memory for a lifetime. It was one such tour that I undertook with my soon to be a wife into the deep mangrove forest of Bitchitrapur from the enchanting beaches of Digha. My fiance had a thing about the beaches. She would say that the gushing sound of the seas coupled with the sand-filled air seems to soothe her heart beyond anything else. Whereas, for me, the forest seems to hold a hidden treasure that I instinctively know will bring me the utmost joy if I can find it. We all have our peculiarities, I suppose. However, when we started to look for a trip that can afford us both, these very peculiarities became our prime hurdles.  Experiencing both these vastly different na


We live in a hectic world. With most of us stuck at a 9-5 job, we end up feeling like a machine running out of fuel by the end of the week.  If we pause for a moment and pay close attention, we would hear our body scream for a vacation; away from this robotic life and into nature’s womb. Although that would be the ideal thing to do, our realities will not allow us to do the same. We cannot go on a vacation in the middle of the year, especially when we have that PPT to finish or that meeting to attend. Is not that the reason you are still planning to visit Goa with your friends since past few years? That was the case with our vacationers too. Pranjal and Sumit are the representatives of the corporate world. Every time you meet them, they have an air of exhaustion and lifelessness about them.  However, this particular day was going to bring a change in them. They were sitting in their ideal offices on a busy office day when they overheard their new intern talk about the awesome

Searching for the best online food products? Opt for Dadaji products

Lately, our country’s e-grocery has gained a lot of momentum. This is a well-oiled engine that’s gearing up too fast. The astounding and impressive results aren’t surprising at all. After a hectic day’s work, people might not feel the urge to go out in the market to fetch food items. So the folks often opt for easier alternatives. The e-market for food items comes with thousands of options. One can avail of well-packaged food items online without any fuss. In this battle of  online food products , Kolkata is not left behind. We, at Sancheti Exports, deliver quality food items online. Our products are sure to pass every quality test. We have a diverse range of products to offer.  From pasta to noodles – everything is just a matter of a finger click! After a long workday, we often crave for tasteful delicacies. To satisfy hunger pangs, pasta and noodles make for excellent evening time dishes. Cooking these delectable platters is also not too tough. All you need to do is chop som

Human Rights & Its Implications On Transportation And Logistics Sector

You must be aware of human rights in cases associated with domestic disturbance and so forth. Have you wondered how these fundamental rights impact the Transportation And Logistics Industry? The universal fundamental rights and freedom defined and established in more than 80 international legal instruments that belong to every person in the world known as Human rights can be detrimental to the proper functioning of this industry. In the subsequent section of this article, let’s explore the why’s and how’s of the same: Check on Forced Labour: The requirement for low-skilled personnel in the transportation and logistics sector increases the risk of forced labour conditions. This sector is highly dependent on other hiring companies for their labour force, which in turn increases recruitment charges. It further raises the risk of hiring labourers without visas. The workers run the high risk of having their passports seized and salaries pending due to the presence of indirect hirin

Frequent Car Breakdown During Monsoon Needs a Better Solution

Monsoons are here and so are heavy rains. Although we love monsoon season, we cannot ignore the fact that heavy rains cause a lot of changes in our daily commutation process. A few of which are floods, traffic jams, and so, while its impact upon our cars is rather indisputable. The accumulated mud, dirt and water in sections of our vehicles can lead to the formation of rust and electrical problems in the same. The often resulting breakdown of cars during monsoon season as a result of the above-stated problems makes it a topic of pressing concern for every car owner. Further, even when the roads are well-made, punctures and battery-related car breakdowns are the most common difficulties that every car owner face in this season. Besides, having your car breakdown in the middle of the road, especially when you stay in a busy city like Kolkata, can be nothing short of a nightmare. You might become the reason for a long traffic jam, and the long chain of disasters that follow can make

An On-Demand Ambulance Is a Necessity – Book Ambulance in Kolkata

On-demand food services, on-demand car services and the list go on. How about on-demand ambulance services? Why do we need an  on-demand ambulance service ? In this article, we will try an answer to this very question for you by highlighting the benefits of the same. We live in an on-demand world where we receive instant supply for an instant demand. The spectrum of which includes everything, from our most basic requirements such as food to our wants for luxury items. God forbid if a situation arises where you need emergency ambulance services but cannot manage to get one. The reason behind this can be many, one of which can be attributed to the fact that you stay on the outskirts of the city. What will you do in such situations? Further, it is a generally accepted notion that some illness can turn fatal if not treated on time. For instance, in the case of a severe heart attack, the patient needs to be admitted to a hospital as soon as possible without much delay so as to se


Being a travel enthusiast ourselves, we, at Travelxploria, like to explore the peculiar things about a location that makes it unique and lends a quality of exoticness to the same. It is this inquisitiveness within us that enables us to bring the most cherished travel experiences to our clients. On one such quest, we discovered the peculiarities of the beautiful city viz, Singapore that if you happen to visit, you cannot afford to miss. Here, we have sorted out a list of ten things about Singapore that would be sad to miss out. Keep reading as we unravel it all for you: River Safari Singapore: Asia’s only river-themed wildlife park, River Safari Singapore is home to many threatened and endangered species from around the world. That include species such as giant pandas and many more. Further, inspired from the Flooded Amazon Forest, the world’s largest freshwater aquarium is a treat for the eyes. First, of its kind in Asia, it is a must-see when in Singapore. S.E.A. Aqu