What happens at a hackathon?

There are numerous different hackathons, and every one of them are characterized differently. Depending on the subject , duration, and size of the event, what happens and when changes between events. Nevertheless, there are some elements which stay an equivalent .

Presentation: Almost every hackathon starts with a gap presentation by the organizers to offer an summary of the event. Generally speaking, the most themes of the hackathon are introduced, also because the schedule for the entire event.
Lectures: Some hackathons offer not only the likelihood for joint application development, but also typical conference elements – like lectures or workshops. These are mostly topics that fit the most theme of the event, and offer a wealth of data thereon .
Pitch: After the theme has been announced, participants have the chance to suggest suitable project ideas to figure on with others.
Team building: Usually the teams aren't found out beforehand , but are project-oriented and formed relatively spontaneously on site. The teams should aim to be as diverse as possible – a team with people with different expertise and from various backgrounds are more likely to possess a project that progresses quicker.
Development work: After the team has been put together, the particular work begins. Together teams compute their initial idea, then collect possible solution strategies. It is rare that the projects are completely finished within the period of time – that's not the aim of a hackathon. It is instead about finding creative solutions and exchanging ideas.
Sleeping & eating: At many events, food and sleep are placed on the rear burner – there isn’t much time for it. Quick snacks here and there, and short nights in sleeping bags are what are often expected. Of course, this doesn't necessarily need to be the case, with some event organizers also offering healthy catering, and a hand in checking out overnight accommodation.
Presentation: Especially at longer events there are often presentations to interrupt up the schedule, which inform participants about the present status of the projects and highlight challenges. This may even be a chance to hunt advice from other participants. At the top of the hackathon all participants provides a presentation. This is not a few finished product, but more importantly, ideas on solving any issues or problems, and an idea to bring the project to a satisfactory conclusion.
Award ceremony: If a hackathon is competitive, the event ends with a gift ceremony. Previously, the jury (usually consisting of organizers, prominent experts, or selected company representatives) have taken pictures of the projects at the presentations and subsequently selected one or more winners – often the participants can apply for various categories with their projects. Depending on the event, the teams can win prize money or non-cash prizes.

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