Education: A source of career-development or self-development

The painter Picasso once said, "Every child is an artist".  If we move a bit away from the literal definition of the word "artist", i.e., a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby, it also means "creativity"; the power of imagination which harnesses our potentials and shapes our being.
Well, when we grow older, our guardians or parents place a gigantic rock of expectations on our shoulders. Sometimes, they consider us smarter than we really are!
And then, Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution  "survival of the fittest" comes into  play and from our very childhood there is an extreme pressure to perform well. Most parents urge their children to become scientists, doctors, engineers or lawyers. These professions are considered as the epitome of success, somewhat like “modern nirvana”.
We run faster and money and status become our ultimate fuel. It decides our mileage and velocity.
Our parents become our angel investors. And we promise verbally or sometimes, silently in our hearts that yielding great returns to their investments are our cardinal duty.
And then the temptation comes in! We see our friends going abroad for further studies, we see their social media pictures, amazing landscapes in the background and our heart leaps out of our chest.
Especially, during the summer of India,  when we see the green pastures of New Zealand or snowy mountains of Switzerland, we want to be there.
Undoubtedly! These places are awesome, you should go there...But if it's for mere exploration, then why do you need to go on a study visa...Go like a tourist. Why do you want to invest so much money...Why?
Also, does one profession always stick as a life-time profession?
Some are singers in their 20s, painters in their 30s, travelers in their 40s and investors in the 50s.
With time and age, not only our personality, but our profession and career evolve too.
Your education should be a tool which not only helps you earn money but also helps you develop a great content of character.
Ask yourself? Before applying for any course, before giving your all, what’s your pursuit?
YesVidya is here for you. Contact us today for one of our in-depth consultations. 


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