Why does your flat need a burglar alarm system?

Various basic security systems are installed in different residential and commercial complexes. In each apartment, each flat gets a unique door lock and there is an entry system or intercom at the main entry door. But, these precautions are not always effective to track an intruder. Hence, you may need a burglar alarm so that any type of unauthorized entry can be prevented. Many flat security systems in Kolkata and other metro cities have adopted burglar alarm systems to ensure topmost security for residents and businesses.
In the below-mentioned sections, you can find reasons to install a burglar alarm system.

Community entrance doors are not fully secured

You can install cameras near a community door. But still, it can’t identify or track any intruder effectively. Moreover, if anyone doesn’t close that door properly, the lock mechanism of that door may not work. Also, if an intruder enters the flat, you can’t track him or her. Only a burglar alarm can track that intruder. Moreover, if you buy a burglar alarm of the latest technology, no intruder can manipulate the burglar alarm system.

You can secure ground floors and basements

Various studies have found that in India and many other nations, ground floors or basement flats are 48% more likely to get burgled. Intruders can easily access these areas of buildings. Hence, you should use a burglar alarm system so that it can track any intruder and can create alerts. Some providers offer some unique solutions by which intruder alerts can be sent to the digital devices of admins through an apartment management system app.

You can easily get the insured amount

A burglar alarm can provide evidence of a burglary. If your residential or commercial belongings have been insured, you can ask for insured amounts if they have been stolen. But, many insurance companies ask for hints or clues of burglaries before making payments. An advanced burglar alarm system can generate such hints or evidence.
Connect burglar alarm system with local police stations or law-keepers
Some advanced burglar alarm systems can be connected electronically or digitally with the local police stations or law-keepers. Hence, if such a system tracks any intruder, it will send alerts to the police along with residents or business owners.
At The 360, we provide various types of tracking systems and connector apps. Our products are equipped with modern sensors so that no intruder or unwanted visitor can access your apartment. Our each and every apartment management system app is user-friendly and can receive minute alerts perfectly. Thus, you do not have to compromise with your safety and security when residing at the apartment.


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