How to achieve social distancing in factories or manufacturing sectors

The world is pushing back the impact of COVID19. If we talk about India in particular, the government is giving thoughts to reopen many manufacturing sectors with some social distancing guidelines and restrictions.
Many factories are functioning again; many workers are back to work to kick start the economy.
The functioning of the manufacturing sectors is highly imperative as jobs and livelihoods of millions rely on these sectors.
Undoubtedly, “work from home” has become a recent trend. However, we cannot build jets and cars working from home! The factory workers need factories to be productive and earn their grains.
It is time to take care of two major human concerns that are jobs and lives in tandem. We need to keep our economy alive by curtailing the unemployment rate, and at the same time, flatten the curve of COVID19 with social distancing and various precautionary and safety measures.
Many companies, such as textiles, automobiles, and electronic manufacturing companies would be operating with their 20–25 percent manpower. It is mandatory for them to ensure proper sanitization and social distancing norms in place.
Here are some measures which employers should follow to provide a safe work environment to their employees:
Precluding unnecessary visitors to the production line
Screen essential visitors or factory workers properly and contain their movement in the production facility. Keep vigilance on all the entry and exit points.
Employee Awareness
Train your employees on how to be self-responsible and ward off the virus. They must understand the significance of washing hands, using hand sanitizers, refraining themselves from any sort of physical contact, and avoid sharing their foods and beverages. Like them, their utensils and belongings should follow social distancing as well. Educate them on how to keep the minimum distance.
Reform feedback sessions
Minimize, or if possible, eliminate huddles. Minimize the number of meeting attendees. You can also replicate the same meeting with smaller groups ensuring physical distancing.
Ensure Hygiene
Get their break rooms cleaned and sanitized regularly, especially after meal breaks. Encourage your employees to change their outfits while arriving at work and likewise change their clothes while leaving for the day.
The tools which they use must be disinfected before or after they use them.
Use floor marking tapes and stickers
Use floor markings with the help of tapes, stickers, and paints to encourage a one-way movement. Mark arrows and put signages to aisleways.
Use tapes or stickers to mark off spacing at common meeting points, such as before coolers, microwaves, vending machines, cafeteria queues, and at the tables.
With the help of floor marking tapes and other precautionary measures, it is indeed possible to keep our workplace safe and our economy flourishing. We, at Deon Tapes, are not only manufacturing and striving hard to fulfill the global demand of Floor Marking and Safety Tapes, but also following these guidelines among ourselves at our Factory and offices.


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