What is ethical hacking?

Ethical Hacking typically referred to as as Penetration Testing is Associate in Nursing act of intruding/penetrating into a system or networks to seek out out threats, vulnerabilities in those systems that a malicious assailant could realize and exploit inflicting loss of knowledge, loss or alternative major damages. the aim of moral hacking is to enhance the safety of the network or systems by fixing the vulnerabilities found throughout testing. moral hackers could use identical strategies and tools employed by the malicious hackers however with the permission of the licensed person for the aim of rising the safety and defensive the systems from attacks by malicious users.
Ethical hackers area unit expected to report all the vulnerabilities and weaknesses found throughout the method to the management.
If you want to become Certified Ethical Hacker (C|EH) then i can suggest that you can join ISOEH (Indian School Of Ethical Hacking) training program because they are one of the trusted ethical hacking program in the industry.


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