How floor marking tapes help the nation to flatten the curve

The floor marking tapes are playing an imperative role in flattening the COVID 19 curve in India.We, Deon Tapes India, being one of the global suppliers of floor marking tapes, are witnessing the impact firsthand, on a daily basis.
At this moment, when the entire world is waiting for the vaccine, the old phrase "prevention is better than cure" seems more relevant than ever before. The only way we can turn forth the wheel of progress is by maintaining social distancing. And to make it possible, the floor marking tapes can and will play an instrumental role in various industries. 
Manufacturing Sector
The floor marking tapes capacitated manufacturing sectors and factories to safeguard their work environment. With the help of these tapes, businesses can safeguard a great number of factory and warehouse workers from contracting COVID19 virus. The floor marking tapes are used to differentiate various work units, establish social distancing at various “entrance” and “exit” points, to create aisleways, and so on.
Retail Stores
Retail stores are the major convergences where people come close to each other and shop under the same roof.
The floor marking tapes help retail stores in creating attention-capturing makeshift signs and aisleways. The biggest plus points of these tapes are that their colors do not fade away quickly, and they are highly sustainable. They can withhold huge footfalls and traffic. Besides, there are no slippery hazards in the floor marking tapes. In comparison with the paints, the floor marking tapes are highly convenient and effective. Unlike color paints, these don’t take hours to get dry and observed. Further, unlike paints, they don’t get washed away easily during the rain.
Health Facilities
Nowadays, people are frightened to visit hospitals and various healthcare centers. Their fear is quite obvious because the risk of catching the virus at these places is high. Having said that, emergency health support and concerns can’t be eradicated or overlooked.
The floor marking tapes can be helpful to create queues for patients of different illnesses and health issues. The tapes can help in maintaining social distance at waiting rooms and inquiry counters.
Public Transport and Food Relief Centers
The floor marking tapes are not only beneficial to corporations and business centers, but these can also be utilized for the people’s welfare. In India where people massively rely on public transport and wait in long queues for trains and buses, the floor marking tapes can help us protect ourselves from spreading COVID19.
Not only that, throughout the country, from gurudwaras, temples, to various food distribution camps, people stand in long queues for daily meals. The floor marking tapes can be highly helpful to mark and maintain social distancing at these densely-congested places.
At this hour of turmoil, if we wish to bounce back and resume our daily activities, it is immensely important that we follow and maintain social distancing religiously. It’s the one and only way to recover from this crisis and get back to normal.

Each Industry sector requires a specific color and size for usage of Marking Tapes. Deon Tapes Floor Marking and Safety Tapes come in various colors and sizes as per the location and usage requirement of the user. We are working dedicatedly to ensure each Industry and community is secured and safe with the application of Floor Marking & Safety Tapes.


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