How do I approach an art gallery with my art?

 Here are some impotent points while approaching an art gallery with your art.

1. Find the Gallery That Fits Your Work and Goals

The very first thing that an artist should do is research. Just because a gallery sells art, it doesn't mean they should sell your art. A gallery relationship is like a marriage–it’s a partnership–and it has to work for both sides.

2. Develop a Relationship With That Gallery

It’s important to develop a relationship with the gallery that you want to show in. That means signing up for their mailing list, going to their events, and finding out what it is they need that you could give.

3. Know How to Speak About Your Art

It’s essential to know how to talk about your work. The best way to do this is to make sure your work is about something. If your work is about self-expression or personal feelings, dig deeper. Writing your artist statement helps you form your ideas and put language to them. It’s important to put language to your ideas, both in your artist statement and in your conversations.

4. Expect to Bring Your Audience with You

Make sure you have your own audience to bring to a gallery. This is something you can build yourself, especially through online tools or at events. Create mailing lists and a following, and keep track of the people who show interest in your work. An artist should always be building their own audience and be able to keep control of that audience.

5. Follow Submission Guidelines to the Letter

Once you’ve established a relationship, find out what the gallery’s submission policies are. This is one place where you don’t want to break the rules. I know as artists we always break the rules, but don’t break the rules on submission policies. As far as your submission materials, make sure you have good, solid ones.

6. Understand the Commission Structure

Artists often complain to me about having to pay a gallery 40 to 60%. I think that’s really the wrong way to look at it. They’re not taking anything from you, they’re bringing you clients, so pay your commissions joyfully. However, you want to make sure that if they are taking a big percentage, they are earning it and giving a lot more in exchange.

If you want to submit your art work then i will suggest visit Emami art gallery because they easily accept new artist art work. Emami art gallery help to grow fresh talents in arts.


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